Port's map and connection

PORT's Map

The Forship S.p.A. terminal can be reached directly from motorway following the indications for the Ferries Terminal.


Savona-Vado port district boasts a rich net of motorway, railway and road connections. In the space of only one kilometre, sizeable international infrastructures are located along the coast:

· Two coasting motorways (Ventimiglia-Savona and Savona-Genova) 
· The railway line winding along the whole Ligurian Gulf 
· The A6 motorway (the redoubling works are almost terminated) 
· The two railroads that reach Turin , passing through Ceva, and the Milanese area, through Alessandria .

Of remarkable importance are also the railway yards in Savona (Doria) and in Valbormida (Carcare), whereas external yards are positioned in various sites of the district, waiting for having car parks set up along the coast and in the Apennine inner flat areas.





Savona-Torino (A6) .

The motorway winds from Turin towards various directions, two of them are the Torino-Aosta motorway (A5) and that one reaching the Fréjus Tunnel.

Savona-Ventimiglia (A10) .

Called “Autostrada dei Fiori” (Flowers Motorway), it joins the big motorway net of Southern France .

Savona-Genova (A10) .

It continues northern for Milan and south-eastern for Central Italy :

Genova-Rosignano (A12) and junctions for Parma , Lucca-Firenze and Livorno ;

Genova Voltri-Gravellona Toce (A26), the so-called “Autostrada dei Trafori” (Tunnels Motorway), connects Ligurian central area to Alessandria , Vercelli and Santhià, from where you can get into the Torino-Trieste (A4) and the A5 for Aosta;

Genova-Serravalle-Milano (A7) – junction in Predosa

Torino-Piacenza-Brescia (A21) in Alessandria – this motorway is accessible also by the motorway A7.

MAIN ROADS (S.S. stays for “Strade Statali”)

Aurelia (S.S. 1) towards both Ventimiglia and Genova.

Savona-Cairo-Piana Crixia (S.S. 29) through the “Colle di Cadibona” towards:

Torino – junction to the S.S. 28 bis. The road Carcare-Ceva connects S.S. 29 to S.S. 28 going from Imperia to Genova, where it connects to the S.S. 20 for Torino . From the S.S. 28, near Mondovì, starts S.S. 564 for Cuneo );

Alessandria (and Milano) – access in Piana Crixia by the S.S. 30; Albisola-Acqui Terme – by S.S. 334 for Sassello.